Saturday, 14 March 2009

Sleep Obsession

I look forward to a time when I am not constantly missing sleep, counting the hours I sleep, the number of times I wake and starting the day when it still feels like night. I know a lot of it is about attitude and there have been periods where I'm probably not getting more sleep than at the moment but I've not been tired and obsessive about sleep the way I am right now. When other stuff is going on aside from the everyday things I really realise just how much I need to sleep more. My concentration isn't too good and my memory is pretty below par too.

Lucy has always slept for long stretches. There was even a time where I had to wake her up some mornings if we needed to go out early. Sigh!! Anna was a 'high need' baby who seemed to hate to sleep. She only started to reliably go through the night when Phoebe was a few months old. Phoebe wakes to nurse at night, I can deal with this, I accept it's normal and in her best interests and as we co sleep it's not overly disruptive to my sleep (teething and colds aside!), no, it's not the nights - it's the ridiculously early mornings.

People have commented on my wearing full make up and being super organised in the mornings on the way to school. That is what happens when you have up to three hours tol fill before you leave the house! If you ever see me minus mascara running up the road 5 minutes late you will know that day was a rare and longed for day where I got to sleep in until a more sociable hour! Looking on the bright side I admit it's a good feeling to return from drop off to no pots in the kitchen, a load of washing already done with a tired toddler in tow who will sleep all morning allowing me to get on with stuff and even enjoy a nice cuppa. However I would like her to kip a bit longer so that we can sometimes go out in the mornings without her being very tired!

Ho hum!

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