Monday 2 June 2008

Silly PJs

Today DH was signed off work for ANOTHER fortnight by our GP. He had his gallbladder removed two weeks ago following acute pancreatitus. He is still sore and quite stressed about not working. As predicted 5YO was tired after her 1st day back at school. 3YO was tired because she'd been busy all day. Baby was tired because she'd hardly napped. The older two fought and argued while the baby grizzled on and off until we ate dinner. Well we all ate dinner aside from 3YO - not unusual. So we were all a little flat in our moods by 6pm.

I found reason to smile again when 3YO emerged from her bedroom wearing two pairs of PJ bottoms. One on each leg. But upside down - she'd put her foot in the foot end if you see what I mean. Wish I'd taken a photo, she looked hilarious. Not to be outdone, 5YO put her bottoms on back to front and inside out and put her top on upside down (head through the bottom), inside out and back to front. Took a while for us all to stop laughing. Have to admit that I stopped finding it quite so funny before they did as I wanted them to settle down and go to bed.

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