Thursday, 11 September 2008

Like ripples that spread when a pebble is dropped into water

I was at my LLL meeting today and saw a woman I thought I knew but couldn't think where happens a lot with me as I always remember faces but tend to forget all other details. We got chatting and remembered that we'd met at a home ed thing a year ago (I toy with the idea of HE from time to time). She told me she'd hoped she'd run into me again ever since that day as she'd bought a sling after seeing me use a woven wrap to carry Phoebe who must have only been a month or so old then. She told me how the sling and babywearing had changed her life and how it had caused a mini revolution as several of her friends are now babywearers as a result of it.

It's like ripples spreading on a pond. I got really into babywearing thanks to my friend Soaud who taught me how to wrap my baby, had I not met Souad or discovered my local slingmeet I'd probably be doing stuff one handed and struggling with a pushchair most days.

It's nice to get a reminder that we have an affect in the world, we don't live in a bubble. I feel like the village freak some days.

Thursday, 7 August 2008

Our baby is one!

Our beautiful baby Phoebe was one last week (1/8/08). We had a beautiful few days. The day before her birthday was our LLL picnic, hosted by a member who has a gorgeous home and garden with stunning views. It was wonderful to catch up with people. The children enjoyed themselves and the mothers did too. Amazingly the rain held off - until 1.30pm which was when we'd all finished anyhow!

On Phoebe's actual birthday we went for a pub lunch, then in the afternoon we had a little party with two close friends and their children and all the grandparents - all six of them as Paul's parents are divorced and remarried. We played games and picniced in the garden. Phoebe loved everything and smiled and chattered all day long.

I've been doing a lot of reminiscing about the past year. Remembering Phoebe's birth still gives me a sense of euphoria and pride. If I never have another baby I'll have gone out on a high - a peaceful home waterbirth was such a contrast to the two highly medicalised births I had for Lucy and Anna. Having Phoebe my way in my own space has given me tremendous confidence and strength.....deep down I had that strength already I just didn't know it. Thank goodness we had a fabulous birth and that I could draw from that because the time that followed really pushed this family to it's limits. We're finding our balance again after one thing then another. I've learnt a lot about myself.

It's certainly been a rollercoaster of a year!

Sunday, 13 July 2008

Rained out of Devon

Last week was our much-looked-forward-to week in Devon. We'd postponed it from the start of June due to Paul's illness. So when holiday time finally rolled around we were very upbeat, seeing it as the end of our recent woes and the start of more carefree times.

We broke our journey in Bristol for the night and had a lovely walk and meal out. The next day as we travelled further SW the sky got darker, the clouds became heavier and by the time we arrived at our cottage the heavens had well and truly opened. Unpacked, then the boiler blew out - yup not only was it peeing down, it was cold enough for central heating too). The owner tried his best to fix it but couldn't so we had to repack and move cottage. We were wet through to the bone just walking across a courtyard. Paul was in pain again from the lifting and moving.

There followed a few days of cold, wind, heavy showers. We did have a lovely afternoon in Clovelly which is beautiful, and we did have some good walks, nice meals and some beach fun - albeit in wellies and rain coats. The rest of the time we were cold, tired and stressed. Phoebe and I got heavy colds. Phoebe was miserable and hardly slept. I was miserable and hardly slept. The very last thing I felt like doing was trudging round in damp, windy weather but we had to get out - nice as the cottage was it wasn't a lot of fun for the kids in there or relaxing for us. We gave up the hol on Wednesday, 3 days early. Left Devon in the pouring rain. Therein had the journey from hell. Accidents, traffic jams, screaming baby, bored kids, everyone bickering. The low point was me begging Paul to stop on the hard shoulder of the M6 in heavy traffic near Wolverhampton....even regular stops to feed Phoebe and walk round with her didn't stop her crying a lot.

Got home and Lucy had a very high temp and the shakes, gave her aconite and belladonna and put her straight to bed. She was right as rain the next day, homeopathy is magic! I felt thoroughly spent - having a cold, Phoebe having a cold and general bickering of the older children and with Paul took it's toll. I thought that at least I had LLL the following day - being with other mamas would be good for me and allow Paul a quiet morning to himself on his birthday....but woke on the Thursday still full of cold with a fever on top. We did go out and have fun the remaining 2 days of the week thanks to me dosing myself up and Phoebe recovering greatly. Fun was had at Eureka! in Halifax. Family harmony is restored. Next time we go away it'll have to be abroad or a UK hol that is not dependant on sunshine.

Monday, 30 June 2008

Slings competition! - Win the Essential Babywearing Stash from Along for the Ride (one Beco Butterfly, one Hotsling baby pouch, one BabyHawk Mei Tai, one Zolowear Ring Sling, and one Gypsy Mama Wrap)

Too good to miss the chance of!


Monday, 16 June 2008

moments to treasure

There are many things I could never have imagined in my pre-motherhood life. Like just now, squatting in front of my house scraping dog muck of my 3YO's beautiful pink shoe with Baby asleep in the sling on my back. It was not easy because her shoes have lots of grooves, in shape of a fairy, perfect for lots of dog poo to become really impacted and stuck hard. Was just meditating on the glamour of it all when the the shout came down the stairs and through the wide-open front door 'I'VE DONE A POO!'. I suggested she wipe her own bum seeing as I was only 1/2 way through dislodging dog poo from her shoe but she opted to wait. So I sped up my efforts in order to deal with another kind of poo. Can only wonder what next door's teenage boy thought as he smoked his ciggie in the next garden!

Think overdid the clean up. DD2 is going to smell of dettol for weeks. Still, it's better than the smell of poo I suppose!

Thursday, 5 June 2008

The Orange

The Orange by Wendy Cope

At lunchtime I bought a huge orange
The size of it made us all laugh.
I peeled it and shared it with Robert and Dave
They got quarters and I had a half.
And that orange, it made me so happy,
As ordinary things often do
Just lately. The shopping. A walk in the park.
This is peace and contentment. It's new.
The rest of the day was quite easy.
I did all the jobs on my list
And enjoyed them and had some time over.
I love you. I'm glad I exist.

I love this poem, for me it sums up how everyday things can make me happy. Since Husband got ill back in April things have not been easy. Husband has been stressed about work and had unrealsitic expectations about how quickly he would recover. He has been impossible at times. Being out and about has been better for me and the children but I've had to be home more as he needed me. This week things have picked up a lot. Husband still has no choice but to take it very easy but has realised he does have a choice in how he deals with the situation and he has stopped stressing about it all. He doesn't 'do' illness, or being vulnerable, or not working and he couldn't accept things. It took a long chat with a GP to help him accept his limitations at the moment. So after what seems like ages we are all enjoying the small things - sharing a meal together, going for little walks, just being together and making the most of this time we have all at home. I am grateful or this.

Monday, 2 June 2008

Silly PJs

Today DH was signed off work for ANOTHER fortnight by our GP. He had his gallbladder removed two weeks ago following acute pancreatitus. He is still sore and quite stressed about not working. As predicted 5YO was tired after her 1st day back at school. 3YO was tired because she'd been busy all day. Baby was tired because she'd hardly napped. The older two fought and argued while the baby grizzled on and off until we ate dinner. Well we all ate dinner aside from 3YO - not unusual. So we were all a little flat in our moods by 6pm.

I found reason to smile again when 3YO emerged from her bedroom wearing two pairs of PJ bottoms. One on each leg. But upside down - she'd put her foot in the foot end if you see what I mean. Wish I'd taken a photo, she looked hilarious. Not to be outdone, 5YO put her bottoms on back to front and inside out and put her top on upside down (head through the bottom), inside out and back to front. Took a while for us all to stop laughing. Have to admit that I stopped finding it quite so funny before they did as I wanted them to settle down and go to bed.

Sunday, 1 June 2008

Veronika Robinson

Today we went to Veronika's talk on Breastfeeding - entitled 'Humanity's code for peace, passion and partnership'. It was really inspiring to have breastfeeding info presented in this context. I even managed to pay attention to most of it with a quick trip out of the room to change Baby's nappy! I will be following it up by reading some of the references Veronika mentioned to us. Veronika was definitely preaching to the converted judging by who was there today. It would be interesting to know how this talk would be received by a less partisan audience.

It was really nice to see so many friends there, it's enriching to be around other nursing/slinging mothers, seems like there's quite a strong group of us around Manchester at the moment.

Friday, 30 May 2008


Today being a Friday and school holidays we spent it with my best-friend-from-school and her DD (aged 6). Neither of us wanted to be in our respective houses (mine full of ill DH and mess, hers feels too full with all of us in it) so we decided to picnic come rain or shine. The rain held off despite ominous clouds and we had a wonderful day. My older children and Friend's DD love each other and always have so much fun together. My 3YO in particular loves this child. Friend and I both grateful our respective offspring have so much affection for each other even though since school got in way of our meetings we see each other infrequently.

Think it more harmonious when DD2 plays with kids of different ages.....more than 1 3YO seems to equal disputes and disagreements....don't remember this being such an issue with DD1 but then everything is extreme with DD2!

The girls did lots of running about, hide and seek, making patterns with daisys and grass. My baby was an angel all day, enjoyed the picnic, had a bit of a crawl then nursed to sleep in my arms while we drank tea and the older girls played. We fed the ducks - well more like very tame and greedy ducks over ran us, frightened kids hid behind me and my wheelie shopper (another use for it!) while Friend fed them!

Friend much admired yet another sling she'd not seen.

DD1 overcame her fear of dogs much to my relief as along with dreading wandering about in rain all day I'd been anticipating her clinging to me every time a dog went past as she has done on previous days out to places where dogs roam freely.

Only small incident involved DD2 and ridiculously high, metal public loo....suffice to say I was glad I packed spare trousers....they were for baby but what's long and loose on her was short, tight and rocking that whole 80s leggings look on a 3yo!

I knew we'd enjoy our day as Friend and I never run out of chatter and the kids never tire of playing together so the dry weather was a positive bonus! And I returned to a husband feeling better AND a house tidier than we'd left it...happy days. Now I have 3 sleeping daughters and I am enjoying a lovely, quiet evening - in itself a rarity due to non-sleeping baby and undone chores due to unwell hubby.

I love days like this, I will hold onto this feeling of rightness on days where chaos reigns.

Thursday, 29 May 2008

Here I am posting my 1st blog post!

This is my 1st foray into the world of blogging so I don't quite know what I am doing...still, I have managed to set this up so here goes - of you're reading it then it worked! I've never really kept a diary - aside from an appointments one so who knows how long I will keep this up for. Round at a friend's house earlier I mentioned that everyone I know seems to have a blog, some people even have 2 so she suggested I get my own - so here I am - you all have Souad to thank!

Anyway we are me - Fiona, DH, DD1 aged 5, DD2 aged 3 and dd3 aged 9 months. I am a breastfeeding, babywearing, co sleeping mama - we've become progressively less mainstream in our parenting the further we've travelled on our parenting journey. It just works for our family.

I love my family, my friends, my laptop (!) getting out with my kids and doing fun stuff with them, slings, LLL. I don't much enjoy taking care of our home or feeding us all - I can always think of things I'd rather do than cook or clean - but I am trying to be more goddess-like and less slutty in my domesticity.

Was about to tell you all about today - but baby is awake as typically happens when I'm mid task....more later...or tomorrow!